Naslovnica Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance IPA I V component: Agriculture and rural development

V component: Agriculture and rural development

The fifth component of the IPA refers to provision of support to the candidate countries in the field of agriculture and rural development, with the aim of preparing them for the management of the EU Common Agricultural Policy. Montenegro acquired the right to use funds from the V component of IPA by acquiring the status of a candidate for EU membership, in December 2010. However, in addition to acquiring the status of a candidate country, significant prerequisites for the use of these funds are the adoption of appropriate strategic and program documents, as well as meeting the conditions for obtaining accreditation for the indirect management system.

The operational structure, which consists of the Management Body and the Paying Agency (Ipard Agency), and the management and control system, which consists of the National Fund, were established during the IPA I perspective. Also, one of the key documents that represents the basis for the use of funds allocated for this component is the IPARD Program, which is prepared by the line ministry in communication with representatives of the European Commission Directorate General for Agriculture and Rural Development.

Taking into account demanding process of preparation and accreditation of national structures for independent management and the use of funds available through this component during the financial perspective 2007-2013, Montenegro made a decision to postpone this process for the next perspective 2014-2020. Therefore, funds in the amount of 10.5 million euros, originally allocated for the V component for the period 2012-2013, were redirected to the I component, in order to further strengthen the capacities of operational structures and direct beneficiaries for the effective implementation and use of the IPARD program.

More information about the program is available on this website.


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