NaslovnicaPress info ENPress NegotiationsPublic debate entitled “Negotiation process and persons with disabilities

Public debate entitled “Negotiation process and persons with disabilities

Public debate entitled “Negotiation process and persons with disabilities” was hosted earlier today in Podgorica by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration – Chief Negotiator’s Office, in cooperation with the Capacity Development Project.

The event was an opportunity to exchange opinions on the current state of affairs and future activities in the negotiation process and the improvement of the position of persons with disabilities in this regard. Speakers were State Secretary for European Integration and Chief Negotiator Aleksandar Andrija Pejović, Human and Minority Rights Minister Suad Numanović, MP and member of Parliamentary Committee for European Integration and President of the Gender Equality Committee Nada Drobnjak, Secretary of the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare Nikola Dedeić, and executive director of the Youth with Disabilities Alliance Marina Vujačić.

Video: Javna debata Proces pregovora i osobe s invaliditetom – kadrovi

Video: Izlaganje glavnog pregovarača ambasadora Aleksandra Andrije Pejovića na javnoj debati Proces pregovora i osobe s invaliditetom

Video: Izlaganje ministra za ljudska i manjinska prava Suada Numanovića na javnoj debati Proces pregovora i osobe s invaliditetom

Video: Izlaganje članice Odbora za evropske integracije i predsjednica Odbora za rodnu ravnopravnost Nade Drobnjak na javnoj debati Proces pregovora i osobe s invaliditetom

Video: Izlaganje sekretara Ministarstva rada i socijalnog staranja Nikole Dedeića na javnoj debati Proces pregovora i osobe s invaliditetom

Video: Izlaganje izvršne direktorke Udruženja mladih sa hendikepom Marine Vujačić na javnoj debati Proces pregovora i osobe s invaliditetom

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