NaslovnicaENGInstrument for Pre-Accession AssistanceTerritorial and cross-border cooperation

Territorial and cross-border cooperation

European Territorial and Cross-border Cooperation programmes within the IPA III programming period (2021-2027) are implemented with the financial support of the European Union and build upon the results of the previous two financial frameworks – IPA I (2007-2013) and IPA II (2014-2020). The goal of territorial and cross-border cooperation is to promote good neighbourly relations, strengthen regional cooperation and enhance socio-economic development through joint local and regional initiatives.

Within the 2021-2027 programming period, Montenegro is part of 11 territorial and cross-border cooperation programmes:

  • Three transnational programmes (Interreg IPA ADRION, Danube Region Programme, Interreg Euro-MED)
  • Two trilateral programmes (Interreg IPA South Adriatic and Interreg VI-A IPA Croatia – Bosnia and Herzegovina – Montenegro)
  • Four bilateral programmes (Bosnia and Herzegovina – Montenegro, Montenegro – Albania, Montenegro – Kosovo and Serbia – Montenegro)
  • Two interregional programmes (URBACT IV and Interreg Europe)

Information about the programmes can be found by clicking on the relevant logo.

In addition to the programmes, Montenegro takes part in the implementation of two EU macro-regional strategies: the EU Strategy for the Adriatic-Ionian Region (EUSAIR) and the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR). These strategies are important supporting mechanisms for the accession process and represent a unique opportunity for Montenegro to closely cooperate with EU member states and other EU candidate countries.

Apart from promoting good neighbourly relations, strengthening regional cooperation and enhancing sustainable development, territorial and cross-border cooperation programmes also help institutions and organisations build capacity for absorbing European Structural and Investment Funds.

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