Naslovnica Info EN Press info EN Response of the Ministry of European Affairs: Montenegro belongs in the EU

Response of the Ministry of European Affairs: Montenegro belongs in the EU

With a view to objectively and accurately informing the public regarding the reactions caused by the interpretation of the views of the Minister Pejović presented during the talk show Živa istina (Whole Truth) on TV Prva, the Ministry of European Affairs wishes to inform of the following:

While taking part in Živa istina, in one segment of the show, the Minister of European Affairs Aleksandar Andrija Pejović spoke about the influence of third powers in the Western Balkans and about the need for greater presence and engagement of the EU in the region.

The Minister Pejović did not, as some media claim, praise China, Turkey, and Russia, but rather analysed the strength and real political influence of the third countries on the Western Balkans, without questioning the European values, importance and correctness of the European path of Montenegro.

On the contrary, during the talk show, Minister Pejović repeated several times that Montenegro was strongly dedicated to introducing European standards and quality of life and that the community of EU values was precisely what Montenegro tends to reach. Therefore, we indicate that a part of Minister’s response which was taken out of the context can contribute to wrong and incomplete informing of citizens.

Positions of the Minister of European Affairs regarding this topic are clear, unambiguous and consistent, which is obvious not only in this talk show, but also in other public appearances and speeches of Minister Pejović.

Finally, good results achieved in the process of accession to the EU serve as the best proof of Minister’s and relevant line ministry’s positions. And these results are undisputable.

Here‘s the segment from the talk show:

To the host’s remark that the EU was not accustomed to the fact that it had competition in the Western Balkans, and that there was an ever growing presence of Moscow, China and Turkey, while the EU offers sentimental stories about our common past and future, about the open door policy, and that its continuously raised the standards that we should meet, Minister Pejović answered as follows:

“I really observe the EU accession as joining a community of values. If we start from the premise that it is something to which we aspire. Remember the 1970s when the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe launched the story about values, Helsinki, etc. This is what the EU is offering you. The EU may not be as efficient as Turkey. It may not be capable to resolve issues as fast as Russia, and it is not ready to invest as many billions as China. But it offers a framework which includes something to which we aspire the same way the entire continent should. It is the framework of strong institutions.



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