Naslovnica Press info EN Press Negotiations Public debate on Chapter 1 – Free movement of goods

Public debate on Chapter 1 – Free movement of goods

Public debate on Chapter 1 – Free movement of goods took place earlier today in Podgorica.

The event was hosted by the Chief Negotiator’s Office in cooperation with the British Council in Montenegro.

Speakers at the event were State Secretary for European Integration and Chief Negotiator Aleksandar Andrija Pejović, UK’s Ambassador Ian Whitting, and Head of the Working Group for Chapter 1 Nina Vujošević.

The public debate was an opportunity to present the contents of this Chapter, its importance for Montenegrin citizens, and to inform the attendees of the degree of alignment of Montenegrin legislation in this area with the EU acquis. The results in this area and future plans as regards this Chapter were presented.

Video: Održana javna debata o pregovaračkom poglavlju 1- Sloboda kretanja robe – kadrovi

Video: Obraćanje državnog sekretara za evropske integracije i glavnog pregovarača ambasadora Aleksandra Andrije Pejovića na javnoj debati o pregovaračkom poglavlju 1- Sloboda kretanja robe

Video: Obraćanje ambasadora Ujedinjenog kraljevstva u Crnoj Gori Ijana Vitinga na javnoj debati o pregovaračkom poglavlju 1- Sloboda kretanja robe

Video: Obraćanje šefice Radne grupe Nine Vujošević na javnoj debati o pregovaračkom poglavlju 1- Sloboda kretanja robe


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