NaslovnicaPress info ENPress NegotiationsPublic debate entitled “Second year of negotiations: What have we achieved and...

Public debate entitled “Second year of negotiations: What have we achieved and what comes next?” held in Podgorica

A public debate entitled “Second year of negotiations: What have we achieved and what comes next?” took place earlier today at the EU Info Centre in Podgorica to mark the second anniversary of Montenegro’s commencement of EU accession talks.

Speakers at the event were State Secretary for European Integration and Chief Negotiator Ambassador Aleksandar Andrija Pejović, UK Ambassador to Montenegro Ian Witting, and chairman of the European integration Parliamentary Committee Slaven Radunović.

Održana Javna debata povodom obilježavanja druge godišnjice pregovora sa EU – kadrovi

Izlaganje glavnog pregovarača Aleksandra Andrije Pejovića na Javnoj debati povodom obilježavanja druge godišnjice pregovora sa EU

Izlaganje ambasadora Velike Britanije u Crnoj Gori Ijana Vitinga na Javnoj debati povodom obilježavanja druge godišnjice pregovora sa EU

Izlaganje predsjednika skupštinskog Odbora za evropske integracije Slavena Radunovica na Javnoj debati povodom obilježavanja druge godišnjice pregovora sa EU

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