Naslovnica Info EN Press info EN New Program of Accession of Montenegro to the EU - a key...

New Program of Accession of Montenegro to the EU – a key landmark for the implementation of the European agenda of Montenegro

“Adoption of the new Program of Montenegro’s accession to the European Union 2022-2023 will give additional strategic direction to the process of European integration and a strong impetus to the administration to continue the application of obligations from this umbrella strategic document. Program of Accession is the backbone of the work of the negotiating structure and as such will contribute to meeting the specific final criteria in the negotiating chapters. I believe that the quality and efficient implementation of this document will be a good guide for finishing comprehensive reform processes in all areas, “said the Chief negotiator, Zorka Kordić, at the third session of the Commission for European Integration.

At today’s session held in online format, after yesterday’s public consultations with civil society representatives, the Draft Program of Montenegro’s Accession to the European Union 2022-2023 was discussed and adopted, after several months of work by the Commission, in synergy with the Office for European Integration. and heads of working groups with their teams. During the intensive work process, almost 7,000 EU legal acts were analyzed, the effects of the existing document, roadmaps for fulfilling the final closing benchmark, and the need for full alignment of the Accession Program with the Government’s Medium-Term Work Program was taken into account.

Kordić praised the work of the Commission for European Integration and working groups on the preparation of the innovated PPCG, stressing that very useful inputs were obtained from the representatives of the civil sector at the online consultations held yesterday. She reminded that this document, for the next two-year period, envisages the adoption of 588 obligations, of which 109 strategies and 479 laws and bylaws.



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