Naslovnica Press info EN Press Negotiations Mrdak at Parliamentary Committee on European Integration: Approximately 50 laws to be...

Mrdak at Parliamentary Committee on European Integration: Approximately 50 laws to be adopted in 2020 within Montenegro’s PAEU

According to the Montenegro’s Programme of Accession to the European Union 2020 – 2022 (PAEU) 491 regulations have been planned for the adoption, explained Deputy Chief Negotiator Marko Mrdak and added that 97 out of 491 regulations are laws which have to be adopted in order to keep the pace with the continuous changes and developments of the EU acquis.

During the the session of the Committee on European Integration of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mrdak presented the PAEU, which was adopted by the Government of Montenegro in February 2020, emphasizing that this strategic document consists of all 33 negotiation chapters in a tabular form. In particular, he explained that this document requires innovations on an annual basis. Furthermore, he explained that the PAEU includes national regulations which have to be harmonized with the EU acquis, as well as regulations which are directly related to the accession negotiation process, particularly referring to the closing benchmarks in given chapters.

„The adoption of 491 regulations is planned according to the PAEU 2020-2022, out of which 97 are laws, 278 are by-laws and 116 are strategic documents. For 2020, the Government planes the adoption of 48 laws and 178 by-laws in 2020, as well as 56 strategic documents. When it comes to strengthening of administrative capacities, all the document summarizes all the data related to the relocation of work, mobility within the public administration authorities, as well as new jobs. On this basis, a total of 442 employees are planned to be hired, of which 267 in 2020.”, Mrdak said.

Mrdak welcomed the Committee’s interest in the Montenegro’s Programme of Accession to the European Union 2020 – 2022, pointing out the importance of this Parliamentary body for the work of the Parliament of Montenegro, particularly its role in the negotiation process, having in mind that a large number of laws are planned for the adoption within this document.



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