NaslovnicaPress info ENPress NegotiationsMontenegro remains committed to fulfillment of its SAA obligations

Montenegro remains committed to fulfillment of its SAA obligations

“Montenegro remains committed to fulfilment of its obligations which arise from SAA and
making progress in the negotiation process, regardless of the political challenges in the
country. Despite the current political situation and changes in the Government over the
past year, the public administration has remained resilient and has shown that it has
sufficient capacity to continue fulfilling the requirements and obligations within the EU
agenda”, acting Director General of the Directorate for EU Accession and EU Acquis, in theMinistry of European Affairs, Marko Mrdak has highlighted at the 15 th meeting of the
Subcommittee on Trade, Industry, Customs and Taxation between the EU and Montenegro.

Mrdak has noted that the results achieved between the two meetings of this
Subcommittee represent the confirmation of the professionalism and clear commitment of
civil servants who work diligently, even though changes in management positions make it
challenging to implement further reforms. In addition, he presented the most significant
results achieved by Montenegro in chapters 1 – Free movement of goods, 16 – Taxation, 20 – Enterprise and industrial policy, 29 – Customs union and 30 – External relations, since the
previous meeting held in October last year.

On behalf of the European Commission, the meeting was chaired by the Deputy Head of
Unit for Montenegro and Serbia (DG NEAR), Barbara Jesus-Gimeno.

“Renewed political focus on enlargement gives Montenegro an opportunity to make
progress in its path towards the EU. The pace remains in the hands of Montenegro and will
depend on the progress you make”, has been underlined by Jesus-Gimeno.

Jesus-Gimeno has noted that the EU welcomes the proactive and constructive
engagement of Montenegro, both within the World Trade Organization and within the
Common Regional Market. Furthermore, she welcomed the measures taken by Montenegro
regarding the prohibition of tobacco stocking in the free zone of the Port of Bar, but
underlined that significant challenges remain in the area of eradication of the illegal
tobacco trade, including its destruction.

During the meeting, representatives of Montenegrin institutions presented the results the
country has achieved, as well as activities planned in the area of alignment of national
legislation with the EU acquis and strengthening administrative capacities and exchanged
opinions with colleagues from the EC regarding the fulfillment of requirements arising
from the EU agenda in the areas covered by these chapters.

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