Naslovnica Info Press info Montenegro has done an impressive job, it's important to maintain good momentum...

Montenegro has done an impressive job, it’s important to maintain good momentum and accelerate EU accession

In the past few months, Montenegro has done an impressive job and achieved remarkable results in Chapters 23 and 24. It is essential to maintain good momentum in the coming period and accelerate EU accession, as this will bring numerous benefits to society and citizens. This was stated at the panel discussion on the final phase of Montenegro’s EU membership negotiations.

The panel, attended by members of the negotiating structure (negotiators, heads, and secretaries of negotiating working groups), was organized by the Ministry of European Affairs as part of the EU-funded project “Center for Strategic-Legal Advice for Montenegro – PLAC.”

Speakers at the event included Montenegro’s chief negotiator with the EU Predrag Zenović, former chief negotiator of the Republic of Croatia with the EU Vladimir Drobnjak, Head of the Political Sector in the EU Delegation to Montenegro Riccardo Seri, and PLAC project leader Tatjana Tomić.

Montenegro’s chief negotiator with the EU, Predrag Zenović, said that Montenegro’s negotiation process is taking place on two tracks.

“The first track is the negotiation process, focused on Chapters 23 and 24 and obtaining the IBAR. In this part, we have seen maximum acceleration and intensive work, resulting in amended legal solutions, adopted regulations, and strategic plans. The past six months have compensated for years of work in these chapters,” Zenović stated.

He added that the second important segment relates to the new financial mechanism – the Growth Plan for the Western Balkans and the development of the Reform Agenda, which have their dynamics and are intertwined with the reforms Montenegro is implementing.

“These are the two tracks that are bringing Montenegro closer to the EU,” Zenović concluded.

Zenović emphasized the significance of using the experiences of the Republic of Croatia from its accession negotiations as a guide and a possible way to speed up the process.

Former Croatian negotiator with the EU, Vladimir Drobnjak, said that Montenegro is far ahead of other candidate countries and that the fact that all negotiation chapters are open represents enormous capital that should be utilized.

“Resolving the interim benchmarks gives you the opportunity to gain new momentum and move forward at full speed,” Drobnjak stated.

He mentioned that accession negotiations, in organizational, legal, and administrative terms, are the most challenging process a country can undergo because there is no area that will be overlooked, and he highlighted the importance of everyone’s involvement.

“The experience of the Republic of Croatia shows that the effort pays off and that EU membership is worth it,” Drobnjak concluded.

Head of the Political Sector in the EU Delegation to Montenegro, Riccardo Seri, reminded of a series of key laws adopted by the Government.

“All these laws are, in principle, aligned with the best EU standards. We expect their smooth adoption by the legislative body by the end of this week,” Seri stated.

He emphasized that a positive report on the fulfillment of interim benchmarks (IBAR) is not an end in itself, but it can be a crucial step forward in overcoming the obstacles that have characterized the accession process in recent years.

“This would also lead to an acceleration of the accession process in the coming period, with the possibility of closing several chapters, in accordance with the revised enlargement methodology,” Seri explained.

PLAC project leader Tatjana Tomić said that the “Center for Strategic-Legal Advice for Montenegro – PLAC” project began in September 2023 and will last for two years. She highlighted that the project aims to support Montenegro in aligning with the EU acquis, as well as in translating the acquis.

She mentioned that the focus is on supporting four negotiation chapters: 1. Free Movement of Goods, 3. Right of Establishment and Freedom to Provide Services, 8. Competition, and 27. Environment.

“The project is aimed at providing support to Montenegro. The more requests we receive from you, the more we can help,” Tomić stated.


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