NaslovnicaInfo ENPress info ENJoint Press Statement following the meeting of the Special group on public...

Joint Press Statement following the meeting of the Special group on public administration reform between Montenegro and the European Commission

Representatives of Montenegrin institutions have discussed today with European officials the public administration reform in Montenegro.

On behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration, the meeting was opened by Director General for European Affairs Snežana Radović.

She stressed that the administrative capacities and their strengthening are the key prerequisite for efficient fulfilment of the European agenda. “Alignment with the acquis communautaire is the starting point of European integration, which cannot be implemented without a strong and independent public administration, that is, strong and high-quality institutions and professional individuals.”

The meeting was co-chaired by the Head of Unit for Montenegro in the Directorate General for Enlargement of the European Commission, Dirk Lange, and State Secretary of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Jadranka Vojinović.

The meeting focused on the measures that Montenegro is taking in order to implement its Strategy on public administration reform, including the modernisation of general administrative procedures in line with European standards. This will also serve to improve communication with citizens, who should be the main beneficiaries of a modern, professional and client-oriented civil service.

The special group on public administration reform is an important instrument to intensify the dialogue between the European Union and Montenegro, and to accompany it on its path towards a more modern, professional and independent public service. Complying with the obligations of EU membership and making use of the opportunities it offers, requires a professional and transparent public service in place.

The reform of public administrations is now taking on an increasingly prominent role in the pre-accession process. European standards mean increased openness, efficiency, simplification of procedures, increased accessibility for citizens to public services, less costly services, de-politisation and neutrality. Public administration reform includes transparent policy planning and improved coordination, setting out the impact on public finances and allowing citizens to make policy choices.

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