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IPA support presented in Berane and Bijelo Polje

NGO FORS Montenegro, in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration, hosted on 28 January 2015 press conferences in Berane and Bijelo Polje on the completion of the “Let Me Tell You Something about the EU 2” project.

One of the project activities that garnered attention of the target audiences was the presentation of IPA support and the possibilities offered by this mechanism.

Director General for Coordination of EU Assistance Programmes Ivana Petričević has underlined in her address that in the process of EU integration Montenegro is undertaking a whole range of reforms that contribute to a better living standard and quality of life of our citizens. Therefore, the financial assistance we receive from the EU is key to a better implementation of these reforms. Ms Petričević presented the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance and underscored the different approaches between IPA I and 2007-2013 and the new financial perspective IPA II 2014-2020. Within the IPA II, Montenegro will have access to EUR 270 million, which is a notable amount of support to the negotiating process, Ms Petričević has concluded.

The Head of Political, European Integration, and Trade Section at the EU Delegation in Montenegro, Alberto Cammarata, said that together we must invest further efforts in presenting success stories and the effects of the accession process and EU support to Montenegro, as well as to present the rights and obligations of EU membership.

The project has been implemented in the municipalities of Berane, Andrijevica, Plav, Rožaje, Bijelo Polje, Žabljak, Šavnik, Plužine, and Pljevlja, with the aim of improving the knowledge and understanding among the citizens from the north of Montenegro about the European Union, its values and institutions, and Montenegro’s EU integration process.


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