Naslovnica Info Press info Interview with Minister Gorčević for Portal

Interview with Minister Gorčević for Portal

Minister of European Affairs Maida Gorčević emphasizes the need to overcome differences and join forces to successfully complete the adoption of laws crucial for achieving the Interim Benchmarks Assessment Report (IBAR). According to her, Montenegro is at a critical juncture in the negotiation process with the EU, and if everyone fulfills their responsibilities, a significant breakthrough can be made by mid-June, leading to the final phase of negotiations.

Significant Achievements of the 44th Government of Montenegro

In an interview with, Gorčević highlighted the significant achievements of the 44th Government of Montenegro within a little over six months, particularly in the rule of law, which is the cornerstone of Montenegro’s EU negotiation process. She noted that the Government has focused on fulfilling most of the remaining temporary benchmarks from Chapters 23 and 24, involving complex judicial reforms, media freedom, and the fight against corruption and organized crime.

Gorčević is optimistic that based on these accomplishments, Montenegro will receive a positive IBAR by the end of the Belgian presidency of the EU. This, she believes, will provide a strong impetus for further reforms and improving the living standards and quality of life for Montenegrin citizens. The ultimate goal is not just formal EU membership but achieving a quality of life comparable to that in developed EU member states.

Stability and Clear Political Dialogue

Gorčević said that the EU wants to see stable institutions and a clear political situation that doesn’t fluctuate based on current events. She advocates for open and clear dialogue within the parliamentary majority and with the opposition, noting that such cooperation has led to successful judicial appointments and a well-organized census.

She emphasized the significance of addressing long-standing issues such as judiciary, attacks on journalists, war crimes investigations, and electoral reform. The Government is focused on three key areas: rule of law, economy, and EU accession, with all efforts directed towards achieving the best possible results.

Unwavering Commitment to EU Membership

Gorčević assured that the Government’s expansion will not affect the negotiation process or Montenegro’s European path. EU membership remains a top priority, and the immediate goal is to obtain a positive IBAR for Chapters 23 and 24, allowing for the closure of internally ready chapters and moving into the final negotiation phase.

Ambitious Goals for EU Membership

The minister is ambitious about Montenegro becoming an EU member by 2028, potentially even earlier. However, she stresses that the essence of the process lies in Montenegro’s readiness for EU membership. The goal is to meet all conditions and achieve internal readiness by 2027, though full membership requires verification and support from all EU member states.

Dedication to Achieving Goals

Gorčević assures that the government is working tirelessly to fulfill all requirements of the negotiation process. She highlights the societal consensus on Montenegro’s European path and calls for this commitment to be demonstrated through actions.

Significance of Independence Day

Reflecting on Montenegro’s Independence Day, Gorčević expresses her special connection to May 21, a day marking a new chapter in the country’s history. She believes Montenegro is now more mature and ready to take a crucial step towards its European future, with strong institutions essential for creating a modern European state.

The government has been dedicated to reviving the negotiation process and restoring support from Brussels and EU member states. Achieving IBAR is seen as a boost for more efficient and better work, overcoming years of negotiation stagnation. The focus has also been on mapping chapters close to internal readiness for closure and timely delivery of the Reform Agenda to utilize funds from the Growth Plan.

This interview underscores the government’s commitment to EU integration, addressing long-standing issues, and improving the quality of life for Montenegrin citizens through comprehensive reforms and stable political dialogue.


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