Interreg VI-A IPA Croatia – Bosnia and Herzegovina – Montenegro 2021 – 2027 Cooperation programme has published its Second Call for Standard Project Proposals, with a total available budget of €29,926,000.00 in EU funds.
The deadline for submitting project proposals is 6 June 2025 at 15:00, while applications must be submitted through the Joint Electronic Monitoring System (Jems).
The Second Call covers all four priorities of the Programme and its five specific objectives:
Priority Axis 1: Smart investments in research, innovation and competitive entrepreneurship
– Specific objective: RSO1.1. Developing and enhancing research and innovation capacities and the uptake of advanced technologies
Priority Axis 2: Green investments in environmental protection and efficient risk management
– Specific objective: RSO2.1 Promoting energy efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions
– Specific objective: RSO 2.6. Promoting the transition to a circular and resource efficient economy
Priority Axis 3: Accessible and resilient health services
– Specific objective: RSO4.5. Ensuring equal access to health care and fostering resilience of health systems, including primary care, and promoting the transition from institutional to family-based and community-based care
Priority Axis 4: Sustainable and inclusive tourism and culture
– Specific objective: RSO4.6 Enhancing the role of culture and sustainable tourism in economic development, social inclusion and social innovation
A detailed description of the Call’s objectives and rules can be found on the Programme’s official website.
The Managing Authority and the Joint Secretariat, in collaboration with national authorities, will organise information sessions to provide potential beneficiaries with detailed information and practical advice on preparing and submitting applications for the Second Call.
The Ministry of European Affairs, the Managing Authority and the Joint Secretariat invite all interested parties to register for information sessions in Podgorica on 2 April 2025, and in Budva on 3 April 2025, with participation being limited to 3 persons from the same organisation.
The agenda for the forthcoming information sessions can be downloaded here. Information on the locations of these events will be published soon.