NaslovnicaInfoPress infoInterreg Cooperation Day celebrated in Herceg Novi

Interreg Cooperation Day celebrated in Herceg Novi

The Ministry of European Affairs marked Interreg Cooperation Day today in Herceg Novi within the framework of the Interreg IPA VI-A Croatia – Bosnia and Herzegovina – Montenegro programme, promoting the results of European territorial and cross-border cooperation.

The event began with a meeting between the Minister of European Affairs, Maida Gorčević, the Mayor of Herceg Novi, Stevan Katić, and the Head of the Cooperation Section at the EU Delegation to Montenegro, Yngve Engström.

Minister Gorčević expressed her satisfaction that the meeting was held at the Ivo Andrić House, highlighting it as an example of the successful use of EU funds.

“I am especially pleased to have had the opportunity to inform the Mayor and his team about upcoming calls for EU-funded cooperation programmes, as well as to discuss the challenges facing the Municipality of Herceg Novi. The Government of Montenegro and the Ministry of European Affairs, in cooperation with the EU Delegation, are fully available to the Municipality to continue successfully absorbing EU funds in the future,” said Gorčević.

Mayor Stevan Katić noted that Herceg Novi has implemented numerous cross-border cooperation projects over the recent years, including those with partners from Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

“The Municipality of Herceg Novi will continue to actively utilize European funds and maintain excellent cooperation with the Ministry of European Affairs. In this regard, we have agreed to jointly organize training sessions for local government servants to strengthen our capacity to prepare and implement EU-funded projects,” said Katić.

Head of Cooperation at the Delegation of the European Union to Montenegro Yngve Engström said that Interreg Cooperation Day was an opportunity to discuss significant achievements and celebrate the success of many cross-border, transnational and interregional programs funded by the EU.

“In collaboration with the Ministry of European Affairs, we have successfully implemented hundreds of diverse projects throughout Montenegro over the past 15 years, and we are committed to continuing this work in the future. Montenegro participates in 11 cross-border programmes that align with EU priorities, such as the EU agenda for digital and green transition and the new Reform Agenda. Through these programmes, partners and participants have been able to enhance their knowledge and skills while forging connections with peers across borders,” said Engström.

As part of Interreg Cooperation Day, a spectacular joint demonstration exercise was held by the rescue and protection services from Herceg Novi, Konavle and Trebinje. These services have been working closely together under the “Flood & Fire” project, co-financed by the Interreg IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Croatia – Bosnia and Herzegovina – Montenegro 2014-2020. In a simulated real-life scenario, the services jointly extinguished a vehicle fire, rescued trapped victims and provided first aid, while showcasing efficient communication and coordination.

Ministarka Gorčević sa saradnicima posjetila je i Srednju mješovitu školu „Ivan Goran Kovačić“ i uručila donaciju vrijedne opreme, uključujući 16 laptopova i televizor, navodeći da Ministarstvo evropskih poslova na ovaj način želi da podrži jednak pristup obrazovanju. Oprema vrijedna oko 8,5 hiljada eura nabavljena je zahvaljujući sredstvima Interreg VI-A IPA programa Hrvaska – Bosna i Hercegovina – Crna Gora 2021-2027. Nakon potpisivanja ugovora o donaciji, ministarka Gorčević je zajedno sa predstavnicima Delegacije EU razgovarala sa učenicima ove srednje škole o evropskim integracijama.

Minister Gorčević and her colleagues also visited Ivan Goran Kovačić Secondary School, where they presented a donation of valuable equipment, including 16 laptops and a television, emphasizing that the Ministry of European Affairs is committed to supporting equal access to education. The donation, valued at approximately €8.500, was funded by Interreg VI-A IPA Croatia – Bosnia and Herzegovina – Montenegro 2021-2027. Following the singing of the donation agreement, Minister Gorčević and EU Delegation representatives engaged with students on European integration.

The celebrations also featured a joint cycling event in collaboration with the school along the historic Ćiro narrow-gauge railway, which has been transformed into a cycling route thanks to the ĆIRO II project. This project, co-funded by the above-mentioned cross-border programme, was implemented by local authorities and agencies from Herceg Novi, Ravno and Konavle.

Interreg Cooperation Day is celebrated annually in September and October to promote European territorial and cross-border cooperation programmes and showcase the results of joint projects by institutions and organizations in border areas across Europe.

This year’s Interreg Cooperation Day focuses on European values, emphasizing how cross-border cooperation programmes help overcome borders.


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