Naslovnica Info EN Press info EN INFO-DAY for high school students from Bar

INFO-DAY for high school students from Bar

High school students from Bar paid a visit to Cetinje and Podgorica for an info-day organised by the NATO Membership Council’s Communication Team, supported by the Ministry of Education.

The info-day was launched at the Martex meat processing factory in Cetinje, where the students visited the production lanes and received information on the importance of codifying products in order to sell them in NATO member-countries’ markets.

The group of around 50 students then visited the Ministry of Defence, where Colonel Rajko Pešić, assistant minister for military affairs, presented the institution, defence reforms, and development plans of the Ministry and the Army of Montenegro. He underlined that the main objective of these processes is to offer adequate response to contemporary security and defence challenges. As one of the top priorities and preconditions for successful implementation of the necessary activities, Colonel Pešić underlined personnel training within the Army and the Ministry. He said that 28 cadets are currently being trained at military academies abroad.

The students also spoke with Alma Redžepagić, head of NATO and EU Directorate, who spoke about NATO’s programmes and mechanisms and Montenegro’s activities aimed at ensuring NATO membership. She emphasised the importance of providing information on this process, given the fact that the whole of society will enter NATO, and not just institutions.

The students also spoke with Mr Andrija Drakić who told them about his reasons for becoming a military officer and his experience at a foreign military academy. They also learned about the opportunities to attend foreign military academies and the experience of military service.

Following the visit to the MoD, the students visited the Air Force in Golubovci, outside Podgorica. Deputy Air Force Commander Namik Arifović spoke about missions, tasks, and development ambitions of the Air Force. The students also learned about the GEPSUS simulation centre, which was financed through NATO’s Science for Peace and Security programme. The students were given a presentation of the centre’s work in cases of air-pollution detection in Podgorica. The visit ended with a short visit of aircrafts used by the Air Force.

The students then visited the EU Info Centre, where they heard from the representatives of ministries of education and science, NGO Alfa Centre from Nikšić and Deputy Ambassador of Hungary. The students were told that the main objective of the centre is to ensure two-way communication where the citizens will learn about the positive aspects of EU membership and where they will be able to discuss the integration process. They also learned about the Erasmus + exchange studies programme and that Montenegro is the only candidate country that has aligned its qualifications framework with the European one and thus ensured that Montenegrin degrees are competitive with their EU equivalents. They also learned about the Science for Peace and Security programme, where it was noted that security is a precondition for development. They were also informed about the Aliante competition organised by NGO Alfa Centre. The students spoke with Hungarian diplomats about the positive aspects of EU and NATO membership. The diplomats underlined that integration has accelerated Hungary’s development and they commended Montenegro’s progress.

The Info Day was organised by the NATO Membership Council’s Communication Team, as part of the public dialogue on NATO membership, with the view to providing information to different target audiences about the processes of Montenegro’s European and Euro-Atlantic integration.

NATO Membership Council’s
Communication Team

Video: Posjeta učenika završnih razreda srednjih škola iz Bara kompaniji Martex na Cetinju u okviru INFO DANA – kadrovi

Video: Posjeta učenika završnih razreda srednjih škola iz Bara Ministarstvu odbrane u okviru INFO DANA – kadrovi

Video: Izjava člana Komunikacionog tima Savjeta za članstvo u NATO Periše Kastratovića povodom organizovanja INFO DANA za učenike završnih razreda srednjih škola iz Bara

Video: Posjeta učenika završnih razreda srednjih škola iz Bara Vazduhoplovstvu Vojske CG na vojnom aerodromu u Golubovcima u okviru INFO DANA – kadrovi

Video: Izjave učenika završnih razreda srednjih škola iz Bara povodom INFO DANA

Video: Učenici završnih razreda srednjih škola iz Bara posjetiti EU Info centar – kadrovi


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