NaslovnicaInfoPress infoHigh school students "buzzing" about the European Union

High school students “buzzing” about the European Union

The Ministry of European Affairs and the Ministry of Education, Science, and Innovation, with the financial support of the European Union (EU) through the EU4ME and Europe House project, started the EUbuzz educational and communication campaign, within which debates on EU topics will be organized in secondary schools across Montenegro. The goal of the campaign, which will last for three months, is to bring EU topics closer to young people, encourage them to think critically and motivate to become actively involved in social processes.

The EUbuzz campaign began with the organization of an Info Day at the European House in Podgorica, in which nearly 50 members of debate clubs from seven schools from Podgorica, Nikšić, Danilovgrad, Tuza and Žabljak participated. On that occasion, the Chief Negotiator of Montenegro with the EU, Predrag Zenović, emphasized the importance of critical reflection on topics related to European integration and added that innovation cannot exist without debate and critical thinking.

“Within the EUbuzz campaign, I want you to speak critically about the EU, its flaws, but also about the benefits that EU membership brings. Look at Europe and Montenegro critically, through dialogue and free thought. I hope that we will also talk about what Montenegro can lose if it does not end its European journey quickly and efficiently”, said Zenović.

Minister of Education, Science and Innovation Anđela Jakšić Stojanović stressed that the future of Montenegro depends on how well we succeed in adopting the values ​​on which the EU rests.

“This campaign reminds us that education is the key to understanding and applying those values, which are the foundation of modern Europe – values ​​like freedom, equality, solidarity and justice,” said Jakšić Stojanović.

The minister added that education is one of the most important pillars of society, and European integration brings the opportunity to become part of the wider European family through joint work and exchange of experiences.

EU Ambassador in Montenegro Johann Sattler said that through debates within the EUbuzz campaign, young people will learn about the EU and its values.

“They say that the EU is a political and economic union. However, it is much more than that – it is a union based on values”, said Ambassador Sattler and recalled the slogan of the EU – United in diversity.

In total, 18 schools from 16 Montenegrin municipalities applied to participate in the campaign. How important such activities are for young people, explained Lola Marković from the high school “Slobodan Škerović” from Podgorica.

“Through hard work, we complement each other and learn from each other. Horizons and paths to a better tomorrow are opening up for us,” said Marković.

During the Info Day, a Handbook for “buzzing” about the European Union was presented, with illustrated educational content about the values ​​of the EU, European integration and the potential that this process brings to Montenegro. The author of the Handbook is Melita Rastoder Ljaić from the MEA. The participants also had the opportunity to learn more about additional skills needed for debating EU topics, during a practical exercise held by Krsto Vuković, head of the Debate Program of Montenegro. Also, young European ambassadors Enes Pućurica and Emina Balota spoke with high school students about the opportunities that the EU offers to young people and how much it meant for them to get to know the EU better.

The next Info day is scheduled for October 14 in Berane for high schools from the north of the country, and then an Info day for schools from the south on October 21 in Budva. During November, it is planned that debating tournaments on EU topics will be organized in all 18 registered schools, and the members of the winning teams will be presented with awards and diplomas at a ceremony at the end of the year in Podgorica.

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