Naslovnica Info Press info Finalized negotiation structure, formed negotiation working groups for all 33 chapters

Finalized negotiation structure, formed negotiation working groups for all 33 chapters

At today’s session, the government adopted eight decisions on the formation of negotiating working groups. In this way, the negotiation structure was finalized and the process of forming negotiation working groups for all 33 chapters of the EU acquis was completed.

We remind you that the Government recently appointed the Chief negotiator, as well as six negotiators for directing negotiations on the accession of Montenegro to the European Union, for six thematic clusters. Also, the Council for the Rule of Law was established as a key body for coordinating the implementation of obligations from Chapters 23 and 24.

Innovating the overall structure for negotiations, resulted created basics for a better and more efficient coordination of negotiation process responsibilities, ensuring that the remaining obligations are fulfilled in full capacity, sooner, better and more reliable,  and providing tangible results and visible progress in the interest of all citizens of Montenegro.

The new negotiating structure will have 801 members, of which 670 are representatives of state institutions and state-owned enterprises. Of the 131 civil sector representatives who make up 16.4 percent of the total number of members, 22 of them are representatives of non-governmental organizations.

The most numerous members are the negotiating groups for chapters 12. Food safety, veterinary and phytosanitary policy – 68 members, for chapter 23. Judiciary and fundamental rights – 46 members, for chapter 19. Social policy and employment – 37 members, as well as for chapter 3. Right to establish and the freedom to provide services – 33 articles.

The work of the negotiation working groups will be open, and the Ministry of European Affairs will enable all interested parties to contribute to the negotiation process through the continuation of consultations, meetings and the opportunity to contribute their ideas and concrete solutions to the improvement of specific issues and areas from the accession negotiations.


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