Naslovnica Press info EN Press Negotiations Brussels: European Parliament welcomes Montenegro's progress in EU integration

Brussels: European Parliament welcomes Montenegro’s progress in EU integration

Montenegro’s State Secretary for European Integration and Chief Negotiator Aleksandar Andrija Pejovic met earlier today in Brussels with the members of the Working Group for the Western Balkans in the European Parliament, headed by Eduard Kukan. The meeting, on behalf of the EP Working Group for the Western Balkans was attended by the representatives of the European People’s Party (Christian Democrats) Eduard Kukan and Cristian Dan Preda, Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Knut Fleckenstein, representative of a group of European conservatives and reformists Charles Tannock, and Ulrike Lunacek, Austrian Green MEP.

In his address, Ambassador Pejović presented current and planned activities of the Montenegrin institutions aimed at opening negotiations on the remaining 11 chapters, as well as their efforts towards temporary closing the already opened 20 chapters. He emphasised the efforts being made towards maintaining a good pace of progress in implementing reforms in the rule of law and informed the members of the Working Group about the achievements and future plans in the area of justice, the fight against corruption and organised crime, and fundamental rights.

The MEPs assessed that Montenegro, by implementing comprehensive reforms, is preparing for future EU membership in a quality way. They welcomed the current efforts and results and communicate the expectation that good rhythm will continue in the future. In particular, they stressed the importance of the country’s commitment to European agenda, with an emphasis on full implementation of the electoral legislation.

MEP Charles Tannock welcomed the overall progress of Montenegro and the high-quality negotiation process, which is recognised in this year’s European Parliament’s draft resolution.

MEP Lunacek voiced interest in Montenegro’s efforts towards taking over the European acquis in the field of environment. In that regard, the European Parliament pledged support for further work on the opening of this chapter.

EduardKukan also highlighted the fact that Montenegro is an integration leader in the Western Balkans and that it deserves to be supported by European parliamentarians.

Knut Flecknstein of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats Knut Fleckenstein pointed to the importance of maintaining a positive trend in the integration process and significance of achieving results in the field of the rule of law, focusing the tangible results.


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