Programme area:
EU Member States: Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany – Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia
Non-EU countries: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia, Ukraine (provinces: Chernivetska Oblast, Ivano-Frankiviska Oblast, Zakarpatska Oblast and Odessa Oblast)
Thematic priorities:
Priority 1 – A smarter Danube Region
- Specific objective 1.1: Enhancing innovation and technology transfer in Danube region
- Specific objective 1.2: Developing skills for smart specialisation, industrial transition and entrepreneurship
Priority 2 – A greener, low carbon Danube Region
- Specific objective 2.1: Promoting renewable energy
- Specific objective 2.2: Promoting climate change adaptation and disaster management
- Specific objective 2.3: Improving water and sediment management
- Specific objective 2.4: Protecting and preserving the biodiversity in ecological corridors and eco-regions
Priority 3 – A more social Danube Region
- Specific objective 3.1: Accessible, inclusive and effective labour markets
- Specific objective 3.2: Accessible and inclusive quality services in education, training and lifelong learning
- Specific objective 3.3: Enhancing the role of culture and sustainable tourism
Priority 4 – A better cooperation governance in Danube Region
- Specific objective 4.1: Support for the governance of the EUSDR
- Specific objective 4.2: Increased institutional capacities for territorial and macro-regional governance
Total budget: EUR 280,754,690
EU contribution: EUR 224,603,752
Managing authority: Ministry of Public Administration and Regional Development (Hungary)
Contact: Joint Secretariat, Nagymező utca 44, 1065, Budapest, Hungary, email:
Kontakt: Jasna Bulatović, načelnica Direkcije za Interreg programe, email: