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Montenegro’s progress is visible in the areas of transport, energy, environment and regional development

Despite the coronavirus epidemic, Montenegro has made progress in several areas, it was assessed at the 13th meeting of the Sub-Committee on transport, energy, environment, climate change and regional policy between Montenegro and the European Commission.

At the Sub-Committee meeting, which was organized online for the first time, representatives of Montenegro and the European Commission discussed the key results achieved in the period from the previous Sub-Committee meeting in the areas covered by Chapters 14, 15, 21, 22 and 27, as well as guidelines for further progress.

Deputy Chief Negotiator Marko Mrdak said that many obligations lay before Montenegro, but that the negotiating structure remains committed to its implementation in next period. He thanked to the EU for the support in previous period, which helped Montenegro to successfully fight the pandemic.

“Opening of the negotiations with Northern Macedonia and Albania in the midst of the Corona virus pandemic, on 24 March 2020, reaffirmed and delivered on the EU’s commitment to the European perspective of the whole region. Enlargement policy is again on the list of priorities of the European Commission and the European Parliament. Therefore, I believe that the new methodology, which Government of Montenegro accepted in May, can be an additional impetus for all of us, but also a warning to intensify activities in certain areas”, Mrdak pointed.

According to co-Chair of the Subcommittee on behalf of Montenegro Ivana Vojinović, huge efforts have been made in Montenegro in the areas covered by the Sub-Committee, adding that several very important laws have been adopted.

“Most of the activities regarding the transposition of the EU acquis in national legislative framework have been successfully completed or is in the final phase. On the other hand, we are facing even more challenging phase of implementation and enforcement which demands strong administrative capacities in all fields covered by this Sub-Committee and enormous financial resources primarily needed to build infrastructure”, she said.

Deputy Head of the Montenegro Unit at DG NEAR, Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations, European Commission, Barbara Jesus-Gimeno, said that, despite the disruptive events of the last three months, progress in several areas is noticed.

As regards environment and climate change, she recalled that the European Green Deal, which presents a new growth strategy of the EC, aims at turning climate and environmental challenges into opportunities.

“Countering the economic impact of COVID-19 is a major challenge for the EU and its partner countries. But it does create conditions for a green economic recovery and for a socio-economic model more resource-efficient, resilient to environmental, health and economic threats”, Jesus-Gimeno noted.

She pointed that in energy, Montenegro again made it to the top of the performance list amongst the Energy Community Contracting Parties in relation with the implementation of the EU energy acquis, while in transport, the COVID-19 crisis has been turned into an opportunity, adding that the adoption and smooth implementation of the joint action plan related to green corridors demonstrated that enhanced coordination in the region can trigger positive effects at border crossing points.




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