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Copy of Potpredsjednik Lukšić na Croatia Forumu 2014: Zajednički nastup i saradnja država regiona – put ka implementaciji projekata od zajedničkog interesa

11072014-1Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration Igor Lukšić participated earlier today at Croatia Forum 2014 – “EU Integration of Western Balkans: State of Play,” taking place in Dubrovnik on 10-12 July. The event is devoted to integration and the Western Balkans, as well as the challenges facing EU values today. Mr Lukšić gave a presentation at the first session entitled “EU Integration of Western Balkans: similarities and differences.”

Deputy Prime Minister Lukšić said that political and social consensus is a good starting point for the Western Balkans’ countries European path. Mr Lukšić said that Montenegro is monitoring its neighbours’ progress and supports integration progress of all regional countries. At the same time, Montenegro supports all regional cooperation platforms that help implement concrete projects in areas of shared interest, which contributes to stability, democracy, and prosperity of the region. Establishment of a stable region is in Montenegro’s best interest, and for this reason it remains committed to regional initiatives, bearing in mind that only common approach and cooperation among regional countries can ensure the implementation of projects and initiatives of importance for citizens. He noted that the countries of the region have recognised this and that they are working together to improve the existing cooperation framework and mechanisms.

The DPM discussed the current developments in Montenegro’s integration process and underlined that the strong commitment of all social stakeholders to reforming guarantees that this important project, which requires action of the whole society, will be continued and completed successfully.

Croatia Forum, traditionally devoted to topics related to the South East Europe and the EU, was launched yesterday in Dubrovnik, with 18 foreign ministers from the EU and region present at the event, as well as a great number of other high ranking officials from Europe, the US, China, Japan, Russia, and New Zealand.

The host of the event is Croatia’s Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs. Minister Vesna Pusić said at the opening ceremony that integration of our part of Europe is very important for the stability not just of our region, but the EU as a whole. “No one in 2014 needs a reminder to what extent the stability of Europe’s south-east contributes to the stability of Europe as a whole,” Ms Pusić has said.


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