NaslovnicaInfoPress infoCommunication and reporting workshop for members of the negotiating structure

Communication and reporting workshop for members of the negotiating structure

A two-day workshop on communication and reporting skills within the European integration process for members of the negotiating structure started today in Podgorica, organized in cooperation with the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) and the Ministry of European Affairs.

The workshop was opened by the Chief Negotiator Predrag Zenović and the head of the UNOPS project team, Johen Penker. The workshop will further strengthen the capacities of the Montenegrin administration in the communication and reporting context, especially bearing in mind the dynamic phase of the negotiations and the goal of Montenegro to become a member by 2028. EU.

Zenović pointed out that this workshop fully meets the needs of the negotiating structure, and that these soft skills are of fundamental importance for the further dynamics of the European integration process.

“UNOPS represents a credible and valuable partner when it comes to the intensification of the European integration process, which was especially reflected in the previous period through the engagement of experts to work on the fulfillment of the obligations arising from individual chapters of the legal acquis, with a focus on the closing benchmarks,” said Zenović and thanked UNOPS for its continuous support, as well as all representatives of the negotiating structure for their interest in these topics. He added that the interactive discussion with renowned experts will contribute to better communication and reporting on the process of European integration.

Penker reminded that the “Knowledge for Reforms in the Western Balkans” project has aim to share knowledge and best practices, strengthen the institutional and administrative capacities of the countries of the region on the way to the EU.

“Montenegro is largely ahead of the countries of the region when it comes to expert support in chapters of the EU acquis, with a focus on agricultural chapters, energy, traffic policy, but also many other areas, and this is the result of good and constructive cooperation with the Ministry of European affairs”, said Penker and added that this cooperation also resulted in the organization of this two-day workshop, which aims to shape and improve the skills of communication and negotiation of the negotiation structure.

The workshop is part of the activities within the regional project “Knowledge for Reforms in the Western Balkans”, which is implemented by UNOPS, and which lasts until December 2025.

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