Naslovnica Info Press info Citizens of Mojkovac and Berane Marks Europe Day by the European Tour

Citizens of Mojkovac and Berane Marks Europe Day by the European Tour

“Europe is synonymous with democratic values, where democracy is the essential pillar of our European identity; the protection of minorities and human rights, non-discrimination, media pluralism, and the rule of law are just some of the hallmarks. As citizens of a country that is a candidate for EU membership, today is an opportunity to renew our commitment to strengthening cooperation and dialogue within Europe and with the rest of the world,” said Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Sports and Youth, Dragoslav Šćekić.

He spoke today in Mojkovac at the event “European Tour,” which continued the celebration of Europe Day in several Montenegrin municipalities.

Deputy Prime Minister Šćekić stated that Europe Day reminds us of the importance of intercultural dialogue and understanding, and that by exchanging ideas, cultures, and experiences, we build bridges between our nations and strengthen the connection among citizens on our continent.

“Let this day remind us that we are stronger when we act together, with respect for diversity and openness towards the future we are building together. This is an inspiration for further efforts for peace, prosperity, and solidarity within our continent and beyond. We must strive to create a more orderly system within our own country so that, as a full member of the EU, it shines in its true glory,” Šćekić stated.

The Mayor of Mojkovac, Vesko Delić, said that by celebrating Europe Day, the local government aims to bring the process of Montenegro’s accession to the European Union closer to our citizens, the benefits and obligations it entails, as well as information about the changes that will occur on the path to full membership.

“I believe that young people are very important for the European integration process, and that it is necessary to hear their voice. With joint efforts and state support, we want to provide young people with daily knowledge and information about the EU and the negotiation process,” Delić said.

Valentina di Sebastiano, Programme Manager for Regional Cooperation at the EU Delegation, stated that Europe Day marks the birth of the idea of a united Europe.

“Today, we celebrate the principles of peace, unity, and solidarity in Europe that define the European Union. It is a day when we reflect on the EU’s achievements and look optimistically to the future,” di Sebastiano said.

She emphasized that today’s celebration in Mojkovac shows that we share a common vision of Montenegro becoming part of the EU family in the near future.

“I see that the youngest residents of Mojkovac already know the EU well and are ready to celebrate our common European values through play,” she said.

The European Tour in Mojkovac was enriched by children from the “Jevrosima Jevra Rabrenović” kindergarten with dance performances and interactive fun content at Ljubomir Bakoč Square.

The European Tour Reaches Berane

As part of the European Tour in Berane, the main city street came to life with performances by students from the Elementary Music School and the cultural and artistic society “DUGA,” who enriched this celebration with their program. A painting event on the theme “Europe and Me” was also organized on the main city street, involving primary school students.

In Berane, a debate was held at the Polim Museum on the topic “Montenegro’s Membership in the EU Will Positively Impact the Preservation of Montenegrin Tradition and Identity,” led by members of the debate club from “Panto Mališić” High School.

On this occasion, the acting General Director for Montenegro’s EU Accession and EU Acquis in the Ministry of European Affairs, Jovana Dragović, said that the European future is a priority goal for the 44th Government of Montenegro, as confirmed by concrete steps and results.

“In the six months of the Government’s work, a significant number of interim benchmarks in chapters 23 and 24 have been met, after a long stagnation in this process, leading to the obtaining of the Ibar at the upcoming Intergovernmental Conference.”

She recalled some of the results achieved in the past six months, which include the election of missing members of the Judicial Council, the election of a Constitutional Court judge and the Supreme State Prosecutor, thereby unblocking the judicial system, and pointed to the adoption of several laws fully aligned with the EU acquis, leading to a better and more organized society we aspire to.

“All this and much more work to follow paves the way for an even more certain path to membership in the family of European nations by 2028. We are convinced that Montenegro, by joining the EU, will embrace not only the universal values of unity, freedom, and solidarity – not just nominally, but functionally all values that serve the prosperity and betterment of all its citizens, such as economic stability and a society of equal opportunities for all of us,” Dragović said.

The Mayor of Berane, Vuko Todorović, said that on behalf of the municipality, he wants to send a strong message about the readiness of the local administration in the EU accession process, for the benefit of citizens and a more fulfilled and quality life.

“In the past period, we have utilized the opportunities available to us through European funds, aiming to create a favorable business environment, improve infrastructural capacities, and achieve concrete changes for the better for our citizens. Significant projects have been implemented that have raised citizens’ awareness of the possibilities and benefits brought by the EU accession process but also announced what will follow after accession. I have no doubt that the future of our children lies in a community of economic prosperity,” Todorović said.

A representative of the EU Delegation in Montenegro, Margarida Mariguesa, said that the EU and the Ministry of European Affairs support 9 municipalities in Montenegro this year in organizing celebrations for Europe Day.

“It is a great pleasure to be in Berane today to celebrate Europe Day with the vibrant community of this beautiful town. I would like to thank the Municipality for organizing today’s festivities, which were in the spirit of Europe, and to highlight that the EU will continue to support all municipalities on this path,” Mariguesa said.

The European Tour is an initiative through which several municipalities in Montenegro celebrate Europe Day, organized with the support of the Ministry of European Affairs and the EU Delegation within the EU4ME project.


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