Naslovnica Uncategorized



EU opredijelila 75 miliona eura za pet infrastrukturnih projekata u Crnoj...

Operativni odbor Zapadnobalkanskog investicionog okvira (WBIF) odobrio je danas Crnoj Gori, na sastanku održanom u Londonu, šest grantova za zaštitu životne sredine i energetiku,...

Mađarska preuzela predsjedavanje Savjetom Evropske unije

Predsjedavanje Savjetom Evropske unije (EU) rotira se među državama članicama svakih šest mjeseci. Tokom tog perioda, zemlja koja predsjedava vodi sastanke Savjeta EU-a i...


Western Balkan States’ Accession to the EU is Crucial for the Future of the...

Regional cooperation, the integration of Western Balkan countries into the European Union, and good governance are of critical importance for the development and prosperity...

Ministers of European Affairs and Finance of the Western Balkan Countries at a Meeting...

The Growth Plan for the Western Balkans offers an opportunity for accelerated economic development of the region’s countries and the achievement of the standards...

Božović: We will intensify our work on fulfilling obligations from the European agenda

"The Government of Montenegro continues to work even more intensively with the aim of fulfilling all the obligations defined by the European agenda. We...

If it implements reforms and achieves results, Montenegro can participate in the next European...

If it continues to implement reforms and achieve measurable results, Montenegro could become a full member of the European Union (EU) by the next...

Božović: There Is No Time to Wait, I Expect Consensus and Unity

By mid-June, we will know whether or not we have received a positive IBAR, said Bojan Božović, State Secretary in the Ministry of European...