Naslovnica Info Press info Awards presented to the winners of the competition: Young people said that...

Awards presented to the winners of the competition: Young people said that they believe in the European future of Montenegro

“Presenting awards to primary and secondary school students, winners of various competitions organized to promote the European integration process, who have shown their knowledge and creativity, speaks in favor of the fact that we recognize the significance of proactive participation of young people in creating and implementing public policies.” This youth is the future of our country and the hope for a better tomorrow, and at the same time it increases our responsibility, because if we want a better future, then we must do our best to contribute to it, “said Deputy Chief Speaker Dragana Markovic.

Today, the winners of the online competition “How much do you know about the EU”, as well as the prize competitions on the occasion of the European Day of Languages ​​and the European Day of Science, were awarded prizes. The young people expressed their satisfaction with taking part in the competitions and said that they have faith in in the European future of Montenegro.

The awards were received by Hana Vocaj, a student of the Elementary School “Vladimir Nazor” from Podgorica and Anita Alili, a student of the Elementary School “Serbia” from Bar, winner of the online quiz “How much do you know about the EU?”.

Also, Jovana Kešeljević and Novak Koprivica, students of the Gymnasium “Stojan Cerović” from Nikšić, were awarded for winning places in the quiz on knowledge of European science, ie in the competition on knowledge of European languages.

The General Secretariat of the Government – Sector for Informing the Public about the European Union and Montenegro’s Accession to the European Union organized in 2021 three competitions for young people, within the project “EU4ME” funded by the European Union.

The winners were awarded with smart watches, and the awards were presented by the Deputy Chief Negotiator, Dragana Markovic.

We are really content that we had a great response of children at all competitions, which only testifies to their increased interest in this process and furthermore obliges us to continuous commitment to informing and promoting this part of the public through various activities planned in the future in order to actively involve young people in various segments of the integration process, ” said Markovic

She said that it is a great honor to be with these young generations, future main actors in our society and translators of the process, and thanked the children for their overall engagement and monitoring of the process.

“We will do our best to ensure the future of our country in the European Union, so that they can enjoy all the benefits of belonging to that community on an equal footing with other peers from the member states,” Markovic concluded.

“I would like to thank the organizers of the competition for giving us the chance to participate, expand our knowledge and achieve very valuable prizes,” said one of the winners, Anita Alili.

Novak Koprivica, one of the winners of the competition on knowledge of European languages, pointed out that knowledge of languages ​​is of key significance for every person. As he said, language is, in fact, a capable light, an infallible compass and landmark, and it represents a lexical arsenal.

“It is in the nature of every country and state to go through certain changes that will enrich the repertoire and a wide range of values, and those values ​​are much more expensive if we talk about Montenegro as a member of the European Union. So I sincerely hope and deeply believe that the Montenegrin painting canvas will get and be enriched with European watercolor paints “, said Koprivica.

He said that the Montenegrin ship as a combination and oasis of historical originality and modernity should be redirected to its natural habitat, to the place where ships of all countries are anchored as full members of the EU, and that place is a peaceful and stable port known as the EU.



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