

Support to Montenegro’s EU bid regardless of Brexit

The United Kingdom supports the enlargement of the European Union, despite the country’s determination to leave the EU, because the admission of new member...

The process of accession negotiations is based on partnership between Montenegro and the EU member states

The process of accession negotiations is based on partnership between Montenegro and the EU member states, it was assessed at a joint meeting of...

European regulations to boost competitiveness of the economy

The Chief Negotiator with the European Union, Aleksandar Drljevic, has said that application of European regulations and standards under Chapter 17 – Economic and...

Montenegro ready to open Chapter 27

Montenegro has met its commitments and is ready for the opening of Chapter 27 – Environment and Climate Change, which is expected by the...

Programme of Accession of Montenegro to the EU 2018 – 2020

Amongst its numerous commitments during the first year of its four-year term, the Ministry of European Affairs in September got down to coordinating the...

Programme of Accession of Montenegro to the EU 2018 – 2020

Amongst its numerous commitments during the first year of its four-year term, the Ministry of European Affairs in September got down to coordinating the...

Response of the Ministry of European Affairs: Montenegro belongs in the EU

With a view to objectively and accurately informing the public regarding the reactions caused by the interpretation of the views of the Minister Pejović...

MEA publishes the non-paper for Chapters 23 and 24

The Ministry of European Affairs, with the consent of the European Commission, published the Non-paper of the European Commission on the state of play...

Reforms in strengthening of the commercial sector of Montnegro and preparations for EU membership

In the year in which we celebrate the decade of restored independence and only four years after the formal opening of negotiations, Montenegro may...

A. A. Pejović: Montenegro has crossed a considerable chunk of its European journey

In the year when we mark the tenth anniversary of the restoration of our country’s independence and the fourth anniversary of the start of...



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