

Completing the Constitutional Court is important for speeding up the path to the EU

The common expectation of Montenegro and the EU member states is that, after the election of the judges of the Constitutional Court, the dynamics...

Call open to form part of the 4th EU MRS Week programme

Following the success of last year’s event, the call for stakeholder sessions has been relaunched to include inputs from stakeholders around the three selected...

Use the opportunity, the key to further progress on the EU path is in the hands of Montenegro

"The recipe for solving the political crisis and creating preconditions for entering the final phase of negotiations on accession to the European Union is...

Broad social consensus on the EU accession obliges the further implementation of reforms

Election of the remaining judges of the Constitutional Court is an absolute priority for Montenegro, to create the conditions for smooth and stable functioning...

Blocking the negotiations with Montenegro is not an option, strengthening the institutions is a condition for entering the final phase of the negotiation process

"Although a slowdown in the negotiation process has been noticed, its blockade is not currently on the agenda of the European Commission, but the...

The twenty-second number of the Bulletin on European integration

The twenty-second number of the Bulletin on European integration presents the most important events and activities in the EU accession process during the fourth...

Montenegro remains committed to fulfillment of its SAA obligations

"Montenegro remains committed to fulfilment of its obligations which arise from SAA and making progress in the negotiation process, regardless of the political challenges in...

Tenth issue of Eurokaz magazine

The General Secretariat of the Government published the tenth issue of Eurokaz magazine. Within several sections, Eurokaz presents current affairs from the negotiation process, the...

Successfully completed 11th Subcommittee on Justice, Freedom and Security: Montenegro has to continue with full and unambiguous implementation of rule of law reforms

„The priority for further general progress in the accession negotiations, and before moving towards the provisional closure of other chapters, remains the fulfilment of...

The ninth edition of Eurokaz has been published

Within several sections, current actions from the negotiation process were presented through Eurokaz, the results of reforms implemented by Montenegro in the accession process,...



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