Naslovnica Info EN Press info EN Bucharest: Romania supports Montenegro’s EU accession

Bucharest: Romania supports Montenegro’s EU accession

State Secretary for European Integration and Chief Negotiator Aleksandar Andrija Pejović paid a two-day visit to Bucharest, where he held several meetings with Government and Parliament officials in charge of European affairs.

He and Romanian Minister for Environment, Water, and Forests Gratiela Gavrilescu spoke about cooperation in the context of the Memorandum on Cooperation in environmental protection and sustainable development. In that regard they discussed possibilities for political and technical cooperation and Romania’s support in transferring scientific and technical know-how and experience. Both sides agreed that this cooperation would contribute to a better alignment of national policies and legislation with EU requirements in the area of environmental protection.

The Chief Negotiator informed his host of Montenegro’s obligations in Chapter 27, and especially Montenegro’s activities aimed at meeting the benchmarks for the opening of this chapter. In that context he presented the efforts made in drafting a comprehensive national strategy and action plan for transposing and applying European regulations in the area of environment and climate change, including the plans for developing administrative capacities and financial needs’ assessment.

In Mr Pejović’s meeting with Minister for European Funds Eugen Teodorovici, the officials discussed activities aimed at opening Chapter 22 and preparing for the use of EU structural funds. Ambassador Pejović informed his host about the process of legislation alignment and the work on strengthening the institutional framework for using the EU funds that will become available upon accession.

Minister Teodorovici discussed Romania’s experience in using EU funds and noted the importance of timely preparation and project development for future successful use of EU structural funds. The focus of talks with Minister of Energy, Small and Medium Enterprises and Business Environment Andrei Gerea was the progress Montenegro is making in Chapter 15.

Ambassador Pejović underlined that energy is, in addition to tourism and agriculture, a priority area of Montenegro’s development plans. He informed the minister about the strategic documents adopted in this area and noted that with the view to opening this chapter the Government has prepared a detailed action plan for legal harmonisation related to oil and oil derivatives. They also spoke about negotiations in Chapter20, SMEs development and using the COSME programme.

During his visit to Bucharest, the Chief Negotiator spoke to chairman of the European Affairs Committee, State Secretary for European Affairs, State Secretary at the Ministry of Agriculture, and Vice President of the National Consumer Protection Agency.

The Chief Negotiator informed his hosts of the hitherto European integration results and presented the future activities in the negotiation process.

Ambassador Pejović’s hosts said that Montenegro’s success in the new approach to EU integration is an important incentive for other Western Balkans countries, and a confirmation that the enlargement policy is going without hindrance. They reiterated that Romania will continue supporting the friendly state of Montenegro in attaining its European objectives through various cooperation programmes.

It was agreed for Minister Gerea and Teodorovici to visit Montenegro soon in order to continue cooperation in areas covered by their ministries.


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