IPA programmes

In order to support candidate countries and potential candidates in their efforts to meet the EU membership criteria, the Commission decided in 2006 to put all the previous support programmes (CARDS, SAPARD, ISPA, PHARE, Turkey Instruments) into one, universal Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance – IPA.

This single instrument has been envisaged to offer comprehensive support to the European integration process, both in the area of financial assistance and technical and expert support to reforms in the countries. IPA is implemented through various parts, i.e. components, each of which is used for specific projects and other types of support (depending on the IPA component). In addition to IPA funds, each project needs to contain certain national co-funding. The amount of co-funding varies depending on the component, type of project, and type of contract. It is set to a minimal percentage, and it usually goes from 10% to 15%. Depending on the needs of the project, it may go beyond this. These and other rules for implementing IPA assistance are defined in the IPA Implementing Regulation:

European Commission Regulation No. 7182007.pdf, of 12 Juna 2007

Including the following:

Amendments no. 802010.pdf, of 28 January 2010;

Amendments no. 8132012.pdf, of 12 September 2012;
Amendments no. 4842013.pdf, of 24 May 2013.
In order to encompass the main needs of the enlargement countries, IPA support is implemented in five components.


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