Naslovnica Info EN Press info EN Chapter 27 opened in Brussels: Great success for Montenegro

Chapter 27 opened in Brussels: Great success for Montenegro

Montenegro opened negotiations in Chapter 27 – Environment and Climate Change at the Intergovernmental Conference in Brussels earlier today.

The conference stressed that the opening of this chapter is another success for Montenegro and recognition for the intensive work on harmonising domestic legislation with EU regulations and building the necessary administrative capacity.


In his address to the representatives of the member states and the European Commission, H of the Montenegrin delegation, Foreign Minister Srđan Darmanović, said that Montenegro has opened 32 chapters to date, of which three are temporarily closed due to intensive work.

“This testifies to our continued and strong commitment to the European integration process. I believe that by opening the last negotiating chapter in the months ahead, we will once again confirm the leadership position of Montenegro, but also give a new impetus to the integration process, not only in our country, but also in the countries of the region, and confirm the credibility of the European perspective of the Western Balkans,” Minister Darmanović pointed out.

He noted that the opening of Chapter 27 is very important as the Constitution of 2007 defined Montenegro as an ecological state, dedicated to environmental protection and development based on sustainability principles.

Minister Darmanović reiterated that the process of European integration has no alternative. “It is the only framework that guarantees stability in the region and thus in Europe. That is why we are sure that the presence of the EU in the region and the continuity of the enlargement policy is of fundamental importance for stability, further economic development and the competitiveness of the European continent at a global level,” he said.

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Minister of Sustainable Development and Tourism Pavle Radulović stated that today’s decision to open Chapter 27 can be considered almost historical.

He recalled that Montenegro fulfilled the initial benchmark in this field in July 2016 by adopting the National Strategy for Transposition, Implementation and Enforcement of the EU acquis on Environment and Climate Change, together with the Action Plan for 2016-2020.

Minister Radulović stressed that the State is committed to protecting the environment. He said that the Government of Montenegro established the Environmental Protection Fund (Eco Fund) in late November in order to create the legal framework for future investments in the field of environment and climate change,

European Commissioner for Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Johannes Hahn said that the opening of negotiations in Chapter 27 is another significant step forward on the European path of Montenegro. He also welcomed the progress in the rule of law and said that the focus, in the coming period, should be placed on the activities under negotiating chapters 23 and 24. Commissioner Hahn reiterated that the European Commission will continue to support the integration of Montenegro into the EU in terms.

Chair of the EU Council Delegation, Austrian Foreign Minister Karin Kneissl, said that today’s Intergovernmental Conference is another confirmation of Montenegro’s progress and commitment to meeting the criteria of EU membership. She recalled that the enlargement policy is among the priorities of the Austrian presidency of the EU Council, which, in his words, is the best mechanism for preserving democracy and stability in the region, which is in the interests of the countries of the Western Balkans and Europe.



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