During a two-day working visit to France, the Minister of European Affairs, Maida Gorčević, and Chief Negotiator Predrag Zenović participated in the conference “EU Enlargement – Montenegro’s Achievements” organized by the European House in Paris in cooperation with the Embassy of Montenegro in France. Also addressing the conference was René Trocaz, the Special Envoy of France for the Western Balkans.
“We have shown that concrete results can be achieved with determination and commitment, and we have become a symbol of Euro-optimism,” the minister emphasized, informing attendees about the progress Montenegro has made on its European path.
Reflecting on Montenegro’s accelerated progress toward the EU and the support it receives to meet the conditions to become the next member, Gorčević stated that this proves that EU enlargement is not a myth, but a reality, and that progress is possible when there is political will on both sides and the capacity for reforms.
“Montenegro today is not just a leader in the region. Montenegro is proof that EU enlargement is back on the agenda. We are not asking for shortcuts. We are not asking for special treatment. We are asking for a fair and deserved opportunity to close the remaining chapters by 2026 and become the 28th EU member by 2028,” Gorčević stated.
She added that enlargement is important not only for candidate countries but also for the European Union, explaining that in times of geopolitical uncertainty, the EU needs proven, loyal, and strategically important partners. “Montenegro is exactly that. We are fully aligned with the EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy. We are a NATO member. We firmly stand by European values,” emphasized Gorčević.
“And that is why I believe enlargement is no longer a question of ‘if,’ but ‘when and how.’ I believe both Montenegro and Europe need a strong, united, and resilient EU,” Gorčević concluded.
Special Envoy for the Western Balkans, René Trocaz, stated that Montenegro is an example of how persistence and hard work can achieve significant results in a short period of time. “France supports an enlargement policy based on merit. Montenegro has shown that it is serious about implementing reforms, transforming its society, and preparing for membership in the Union. France is ready to support it on this path,” Trocaz said.
Chief negotiator Zenović reminded the audience of what has been achieved in the area of European integration over the past year and a half.
“The past year has been one of accelerated progress, during which three intergovernmental conferences were held, which is truly a record. Montenegro is the first country to have received a positive IBAR in Chapters 23 and 24 under the new enlargement methodology. We adopted the Reform Agenda, which will bring us 383 million euros from the Growth Plan for the Western Balkans over the next three years. We joined the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) and, for the first time in 7 years, we closed three negotiation chapters. Our results have been further underscored in the European Commission’s progress report on Montenegro, which is the most positive one to date,” explained Zenović.
The conference was attended by representatives of French institutions, civil society, non-governmental organizations, and diplomatic missions, who expressed interest in the EU accession process, regional cooperation, and the exchange of experiences in the Western Balkans. The discussions focused on the achievements so far in the negotiations, the challenges in closing the most demanding chapters, as well as the Growth Plan for the Western Balkans and the reform agenda.