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Gorčević with Birn: Political Stability and Consensus are Key Factors in Maintaining Momentum in EU Integration

“Political stability and consensus among all relevant political and social actors, along with the necessary support from the European Commission remain key factors in maintaining the pace of Montenegro’s EU accession,” stated the Minister of European Affairs, Maida Gorčević, during a meeting with the Irish Minister of State for European Affairs and Defense, Thomas Birn.

She met with Minister Birn on the sidelines of the informal meeting of the EU General Affairs Council (GAC) in Warsaw and emphasized that, considering the strong public support, EU integration remains a priority for both the government and the opposition. “Although there are differences in how to achieve these goals, there are no active political actors promoting Euroscepticism,” said Gorčević, informing that efforts are being made through dialogue and with the support of European partners to overcome challenges such as blockades and the opposition’s boycott of the parliament.

“At this crucial moment, when the government and public administration are fully committed to fulfilling the reform tasks and political criteria of the EU, the support of the member states is invaluable,” she stressed.

A special emphasis was placed on Ireland’s presidency of the EU Council in the second half of 2026, when Montenegro is expected to close its most challenging negotiation chapters, including those related to the rule of law.

“Timely engagement of expert support where possible, as well as strong political backing will be crucial for the successful implementation of the plan to close all negotiation chapters by the end of 2026. Ireland can play a significant role at the political level, given its traditionally positive stance on EU enlargement and support for the Western Balkans,” she concluded.

Highlighting that Ireland is known for its strong commitment to the rule of law, human rights, and democratic standards, the minister recognized opportunities for support in the effective implementation of reforms in Montenegro in these areas.

Minister Birn expressed strong support for the enlargement process, as well as Montenegro’s European path, and explained that although it is difficult to predict the circumstances in the second half of 2026, he believes that enlargement will certainly remain a priority.

“Ireland recognizes and supports the significant progress that Montenegro has made in the EU accession process. Support for Montenegro’s path to EU membership will be one of the focuses of Ireland’s presidency of the EU Council next year,” said Birn.

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