IPA 2016

The total value of the program is 41.1 million euros (37.6 million euros are provided from IPA funds and 3.5 million euros from national co-financing) and it supports the following actions:

  • In the Environment and Climate Action sector, the action Strengthening capacities and activities related to the transfer and implementation of the EU acquis in the field of environmental protection, with a total value of 13.4 million euros (11.4 million euros is EU contribution and 2 million euros is national co-financing).
  • In the Competitiveness and Innovation sector, the action Strengthening the Competitiveness and Innovation Sector in Montenegro, with a total value of 6.92 million euros (EU contribution of 6.23 million euros and national co-financing of 690.000 euros).
  • Annual allocation for the sector Education, employment and social policy in the amount of 5 million euros for the Sectoral Operational Program for Education, Employment and Social Policy 2015-2017.
  • Annual allocation for the Agriculture and Rural Development sector in the amount of 5 million euros for the implementation of Ipard II.
  • Annual allocation in the Democracy and Governance sector in the amount of 2.5 million euros for the Instrument for Civil Society.
  • Action Support the fight against the COVID-19 virus – 5.4 million euros have been allocated through direct budget support.
  • Allocation for the refugee crisis in the amount of 2.1 million euros.


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