Naslovnica Press info EN Press Negotiations DPM Marković hosts project leader of EUROL Derek McLoughlin

DPM Marković hosts project leader of EUROL Derek McLoughlin

Podgorica, Montenegro (29 July 2014) — Montenegro’s Deputy Prime Minister and Justice Minister Duško Marković met earlier today with Derek McLoughlin, Project Leader of the twinning project “EU Support to the Rule of Law” (EUROL), which is being carried out in cooperation with the governments of the United Kingdom and the Netherlands.

Mr McLoughlin praised the cooperation established with the project’s beneficiaries in Montenegro, which is a basic prerequisite for the success of the planned measures. He informed DPM Marković about all the activities that were conducted over the first six-month period, primarily the activities towards boosting quality of statistics in the judiciary, strengthening of capacity of the Judicial Training Centre, strengthening of the administrative, technical and operational capacity of the Police Authority, the Administration for Prevention of Money Laundering and Financing Terrorism, and the Property Administration.

Deputy Prime Minister Marković praised the role of the EU ROL experts in drafting legislation related to seized asset management and the analysis on linking institutions in combating organised crime and corruption, pointing out that a good initial analysis is an important step towards successful implementation of the project.


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