Naslovnica Info Press info MEP signed funding agreements for projects with 13 NGOs

MEP signed funding agreements for projects with 13 NGOs

The Ministry of European Affairs will support 13 NGO projects with € 76,868. On this occasion, Minister of European Affairs Maida Gorčević signed agreements NGOs  representatives for funding projects and programs in the area of Euro-Atlantic and European integration for 2024.

Minister Gorčević congratulated them and wished successful project implementation. She stated that NGOs significantly contribute to the EU accession process through participation in negotiation working groups and numerous projects and activities that promote the process and educate citizens about European values and standards.

“At the very beginning of the Government’s mandate, we sent a clear message that we want better and closer cooperation with the non-governmental sector. This is why we organize consultations every month to exchange opinions on certain topics with you,” said Gorčević.

She emphasized that direct cooperation with civil sector representatives has shown how important their ideas and work are for progress in the European integration process. She highlighted that the support of the NGO sector will be particularly important in the upcoming period as Montenegro moves towards closing negotiation chapters.

NGO representatives invited the Minister and ministry representatives to participate in local events, demonstrating that the Government and NGOs are partners in action.

Given the demanding nature of obligations in the European integration process, they highlighted the need for the Ministry of European Affairs to allocate more funds for financing NGO programs and projects next year.

On March 6, 2024, the Ministry of European Affairs announced a public call for funding NGO projects and programs in the field of Euro-Atlantic and European integration for 2024, titled “On the European Path.”

Thirty project proposals were submitted, and after the procedure and ranking of projects by two independent evaluators, the Ministry’s Commission decided on June 17 to support the projects of thirteen NGOs: Association for Education and Development – AER; Center for Creative Skills; European Policy Network MASTER; ALFA Center; IDENTITY; Multimedia Montenegro; Center for Democracy and Human Rights (CEDEM); Civic Alliance; Social Change Accelerator – Zid (ADP Zid); Center for Civic Education (CGO); Center for the Development of NGOs CRNVO; Youth Ecologists Society Nikšić; and Bijelo Polje Democratic Center.

The total amount of funds for financing NGO programs and projects through this call is € 76,868.


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