Naslovnica Info Press info Zenović: I Believe in Consensus on IBAR Laws

Zenović: I Believe in Consensus on IBAR Laws

Montenegro’s chief negotiator with the European Union, Predrag Zenović, stated on the TVCG show “Stay Awake” that he believes there is consensus on passing the IBAR laws.

He emphasized that we should keep in mind that both the European Commission and the Venice Commission have given positive opinions on the mentioned set of laws.

“I believe that the laws before the members of Parliament are improvements for the areas they regulate,” Zenović highlighted.

He pointed out that the members of Parliament had time to respond to the proposed laws.

“We have sent certain suggestions to the European Commission. It will take a few months for the Commission’s suggestions. The process has been inclusive and transparent,” Zenović noted.

You can watch the entire show at this link.


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