Naslovnica Info Press info Meet Slavica Tomović, professor at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering

Meet Slavica Tomović, professor at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering

I completed my undergraduate, master’s and doctoral studies at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the University of Montenegro, where I have been an assistant professor since 2022, specializing in the field of telecommunications. My scientific research work concentrates on the development of intelligent communication systems based on artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, and various applications of blockchain technology. I actively participate in the Horizon Europe project MONUSEN, co-operating with prestigious institutions such as the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing at the University of Zagreb, Newcastle University from Great Britain and the National Research Council of Italy. As lead researcher on the project, I work on the development of underwater sensor networks and the improvement of underwater acoustic communication techniques.

How does your practice of science influence to the wider community?

My research in the field of telecommunications, particularly on the development of intelligent communication systems based on artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things and blockchain technology, contributes to the optimization and security of digital infrastructure. Innovations in these areas are faciliator for industrial transformation, improving connectivity, supporting efficient and secure data exchange in different environments – on land, water and underwater. These technological innovations expand connectivity, enable more efficient use of resources, better infrastructure management, and advancements in automation, making technology not only more accessible but also extremely helpful to society as a whole.

What motivated you to become a scientist?

My motivation for doing science arises from the enjoyment of discovering solutions to complex problems and the desire to collaborate with extremely intelligent and intellectually gifted people. This job allows you to exchange ideas and experiences with colleagues who bring unique perspectives and in-depth understanding of different disciplines, thereby enhancing and expanding your horizons.

What message do you send to girls who dream of doing science?

Science is your chance to explore, discover and change the world. Rarely anything is as exciting as understanding the mysteries that surround us and using that knowledge to create a better future. Each of you has the power to become a great scientist, to solve the riddles of nature and contribute to a better future. Let your curiosity steer you, because your ideas can make a difference. Science is more than a profession, it is an opportunity to develop and contribute to society in a meaningful way.

The campaign on the occasion of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science is the result of the joint creative work of women in the Ministry of Education, Science and Innovation, the Ministry of European Affairs and the EU4ME project, funded by the European Union.


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