Naslovnica Info Press info A meeting with partners in the strategic projects of the Interreg IPA...

A meeting with partners in the strategic projects of the Interreg IPA program South Adriatic

Today, the Ministry of European Affairs organized a meeting with the institutions that will implement five strategic projects within the Interreg IPA program South Adriatic during the 2021-2027 program period.

The meeting was organized in order to monitor the dynamics of project activities.

Those present were greeted by Miloš Marković, v. d. of the Director General of the Directorate for European Territorial Cooperation, who indicated to the partners the priorities regarding the way of using funds and reporting.

Out of a total of 5 strategic projects, Montenegrin institutions are the leading partners in two projects, while in the remaining three the leading partners are from Italy and Albania.

The Ministry of Culture and Media is the holder of the strategic project SA CREATIVITY, that aims to encourage the development of culture and creative industries in the South Adriatic. In addition to the Ministry, the National Tourism Organization of Montenegro also participates in the implementation of the project.

The Institute of Marine Biology of the University of Montenegro is a leading partner in the SA SKILLS project, aimed at building capacities for the blue and digital economy. The project includes the Ministry of Economic Development as a partner, and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management as an associate partner.

In the SA CONNECTIVITY project, engaged in strengthening connectivity in the South Adriatic region, the leading partner is the Region of Pula, and the partners from Montenegro are the Ministry of Transport and Maritime Affairs and the Port of Bar.

The spotlight of the SA RESILIENCE project is strengthening the capacity to protect against natural disasters through better water management. The leading partner on the project is the National Agency for Civil Protection of Albania, while the partners from Montenegro are the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Regional Water Supply of the Montenegrin Coast.

Finally, the SA GOVERNANCE project aims to expand the efficiency of public administrations in the Italian regions of Puglia and Molise, Albania and Montenegro in order to better respond to the needs of citizens. The project holder is the Region of Pula, while the partners from Montenegro are the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of European Affairs.

At the meeting, it was concluded that coordination at the trilateral level and communication between project partners are of essential value for the successful implementation of all five strategic projects.


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