Naslovnica Info Press info Zenović for TV Nova M: 2028, the deadline by which Montenegro can...

Zenović for TV Nova M: 2028, the deadline by which Montenegro can achieve internal readiness for EU membership

“I think that the year 2028, that is, the mandate of this Government, is the period in which Montenegro can reach complete internal readiness for EU membership. By admitting Montenegro, the European Union would show that the integration process is alive, and indicate to the other Western Balkans countries that it sees them as its members,” said the Chief Negotiator of Montenegro with the European Union, Predrag Zenović, during his appearance in the program “Iznova” on TV Nova M.

Zenović assessed that at the recently held Intergovernmental Conference, Montenegro received strong support from European partners to continue the reform process with the implication that the door is open for our country regarding European Union membership.

He pointed out that political stability in Montenegro was recognized in Brussels, which is important for the European integration process, and emphasized the significance of further dialogue when it comes to the main decisions from the EU accession process.

Zenović said that Montenegro was particularly affirmed by its 100% compliance with the EU’s common foreign and security policy, as an indication that Montenegro belongs to the family of European nations in terms of values and geopolitics. “It is a course that, if we want to persevere on the European path, should not be changed,” said the Chief Negotiator.

He said that in Brussels they especially praised the appointments in the judiciary, which come after a long time and which represent the beginning for all the important processes taking place within the framework of Chapters 23 and 24.

“This is an elementary, approved prerequisite, which is actually a sign that Montenegro can really respond to all obsticles foreseen and defined by the interim benchmarks within the framework of chapters 23 and 24”, he said.

Zenović clarified that by receiving the Report on interim benchmarks, Montenegro will also obtain the closing benchmarks for chapters 23 and 24, and that he expects that this will be followed by the temporary closure of chapters recording internal readiness – 7 and 20.

The Chief Negotiator, speaking about the Justice Reform Strategy, pointed out that the reforms are not just a formality and that their adequate application is crucial not only for meeting interim benchmarks but also for improving the standard of living of citizens.

“These are the processes that lead this society to where it belongs – to the family of European nations, to economic, political, and legal values on which the European project is built,” Zenović said.

Speaking about the complexity and functioning of the negotiation structure, the Chief Negotiator said that there is an idea of founding a Forum that would include both ruling and opposition parties in the Parliament of Montenegro and, as he assessed, “as such, it was a reflection of the general social consensus regarding the significance of the European idea, European integration, and which would guarantee that the European path is constant and irreversible”.

The Chief Negotiator said that the Growth Plan is a kind of stimulus for the achieved results, but also support for the persistence of the reform processes that Montenegro needs to implement, to enter the EU stronger and stronger.

  “Among the members of the European Union, there is a consensus in terms of the enlargement policy. Through Montenegro, presenting results, and obtaining 100 percent compliance with foreign and security policy, they can actually be a message to the Western Balkans and other areas outside the European Union, which are in Europe, that those countries and peoples are welcome in the EU,” he concluded Zenović.


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