Naslovnica Info Press info Gorčević with Gandel: Montenegro must not miss the chance to become the...

Gorčević with Gandel: Montenegro must not miss the chance to become the next member of the EU

Montenegro has a distinctive opportunity to become the next member of the EU if it accelerates the implementation of reforms and shows measurable and sustainable results. This is an opportunity that should not be missed, and Montenegro can count on the full support of friendly Slovakia on that path. This was a message from the meeting of the Minister of European Affairs, Maida Gorčević, with the Slovak ambassador, Boris Gandel.

The Minister thanked for the strong support that Slovakia provides to Montenegro and the countries of the Western Balkans intending to democratize the region and its integration into the EU, independently and within the framework of the Visegrad Group, as well. Gorčević informed the Slovak ambassador about the priorities of the 44th Government, stressing the focus of the reform and results in the rule of law.

“Without concrete, tangible, and measurable results in the field of justice, the fight against corruption and organized crime, as well as fundamental rights, there is no progress in EU accession. That is why it is significant that all three branches of government join forces and speed up the reforms in Chapters 23 and 24. I am convinced that this Government and the parliamentary majority can do it, and that this year we will witness the achievement of closing benchmarks for the rule of law, as well as the temporary closure of a number of negotiating chapters”, said Gorčević.

Ambassador Gandel said that Slovakia strongly supports the EU enlargement policy towards the countries of the Western Balkans and that the entry of Montenegro into the EU would be an excellent example and incentive for other countries in the region in the process of European integration. He pointed out that Montenegro still has a lot of demanding work to do, but that it must take advantage of the positive moment within the EU and speed up the accession process.

“The reforms you are implementing on the way to the EU are important for the democratic, economic, and overall development of your society. The efforts you are making now, with the support of the EU and member states, are a bet for a better future for your citizens,” Gandel said.

He conveyed Slovakia’s readiness to provide the transfer of relevant knowledge and experience from conducting accession negotiations and implementing extensive reforms that can help Montenegro speed up accession negotiations, together with continued strong political support. The interlocutors also exchanged opinions on priority obligations and challenges, as well as possibilities for concretizing cooperation through the help of Slovakian experts in several negotiation areas.


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