Naslovnica Info Press info The Ministry of European Affairs and municipalities signed a Memorandum of Cooperation

The Ministry of European Affairs and municipalities signed a Memorandum of Cooperation

The Ministry of European Affairs signed today the Memorandum of Cooperation with local self-governments and the Union of Municipalities of Montenegro, which aims to better inform citizens about the process of European integration at the local level. This should indirectly lead to better utilization of EU funds, raising the quality of life and modernization of services in municipalities.

The Memorandum states that close to 70% of European legislation is applied at the local level, which is why it is necessary that, along with the Government leading the accession negotiations, local self-governments are involved in their planning and implementation of activities. Minister of European Affairs Maida Gorčević confirmed in her opening speech that local self-governments have an indispensable role in the process of European integration and reminded that a significant part of the EU’s financial support is directed towards them.

“Local governments, as part of the public administration system, are at the center of reform processes. As the closest to the citizens, they represent a part of the government that bears great responsibility for the quality of their lives, as well as for creating a stimulating environment for the economic and overall development of the local community. Therefore, they play an important role in informing and educating citizens, as well as involving them in activities that contribute to the progress of the community”, stated Gorčević and thanked the representatives of the municipalities for their interest in cooperation in this area.

The Ambassador of the European Union in Montenegro, Oana Cristina Popa, said that local governments play a key role in the process of the country’s accession to the European family. She encouraged municipal representatives to actively involve their fellow citizens and share responsibility with them for the success of the European integration process.

“We must now redouble our efforts and take advantage of the momentum following the appointment of a new government and renewed interest in enlargement in EU member states. By including municipalities in the process of European integration, we ensure that people’s voices are heard and that their problems are solved during the accession process”, stated Popa and added: “You will be positively surprised by the level of creativity and readiness they will show in their desire to improve conditions and make their community a better place to live”.

On behalf of the Union of Municipalities of Montenegro, the President of the Governing Board, Dušan Raičević stated that, in addition to new obligations, local self-governments will also face new opportunities and funds.

“It is up to us to provide our citizens with a perspective of the contemporary quality of life of our fellow citizens in the EU countries through activities in local communities. With this, we will continue to ensure the enormous, almost undivided support of the citizens of Montenegro for the process of our country joining the EU”, said the president of the municipality of Bar.

After the introductory remarks, State Secretary at the Ministry of European Affairs Bojan Božović presented the Strategy for informing the public about the accession of Montenegro to the EU 2023-2026, which will be the basis for the implementation of the Memorandum.

Božović pointed out that the use of EU funds at the local level in Montenegro is a key element in achieving sustainable development and improving the lives of citizens. He pointed out that municipalities have shown high proactivity in the use of available funds, especially through cross-border and territorial cooperation programs, as well as through the Western Balkan Investment Framework. He said that, during the two IPA perspectives so far, Montenegrin municipalities have participated in 167 projects, the total value of which is around EU 124 million. Božović also presented a Call for municipalities to express their interest in cooperation, through concrete projects that will contribute to better information and involvement of citizens in the process of European integration. The ideas that are selected will be financed through the EU project EU4ME at the Ministry of European Affairs.


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