Naslovnica Press info EN Press Negotiations Good results within the negotiation chapter 5 - Public Procurement

Good results within the negotiation chapter 5 – Public Procurement

“Good results within the negotiation chapter 5 – Public Procurement should be an additional impetus to the dynamization of activities in terms of fulfilling the remaining benchmarks in other chapters that are part of the Cluster of Fundamental Rights,” said the head of the Working Group for Chapter 5, Jelena Jovetic.

Today, the constitutive session of the Working Group for the Public Procurement chapter was held, at which the results so far were summarized and the dynamics of the realization of the remaining obligations in the direction of fulfilling the final criteria from that chapter were discussed.

The Head of the Working Group pointed out that during the previous period a step forward was made in the regulatory and conceptual part, and that Montenegro has a complete legislative framework in this area which is aligned with European legislation, which is best seen through the adoption and implementation of the Law on Public Procurement and the Law on public-private partnership, as well as through the launch of electronic public procurement systems.

Jovetic reminded that the Government recently adopted the Strategy for Improving Public Procurement Policy and Public-Private Partnership for the period 2021-2025 with the first Action Plan, and expressed the expectation that its application will confirm the construction of a bearable, effective and efficient system of public procurement and public-private partnerships.

She pointed out that electronic public procurement is an important instrument for improving the efficiency of the process of public procurement of goods, services and works, which will lead to savings in the public sector. “The main goal of the introduction of the electronic public procurement system is to get as much value for money as possible, as well as to achieve better results in terms of social and other public policy goals, while increasing the efficiency of public spending. Therefore, our task is to continue to achieve good results in this field in the future period, and I believe that the Working Group will continue to make the maximum contribution in that direction, “said Jovetic.

The working group for Chapter 5 – Public Procurement was formed in October this year and has 16 members.



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