Naslovnica Press info EN Press Negotiations DPM Lukšić visits UN offices in Vienna, discusses future cooperation and concrete...

DPM Lukšić visits UN offices in Vienna, discusses future cooperation and concrete projects

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration Igor Lukšić is paying a working visit to international organisations seated in Vienna. On the first day of his visit, the DPM met with Director-General of the UN Office in Vienna and the Executive Director of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime Yury Fedotov, Director-General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Yukiya Amano, and Director-General of the UN Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) Li Yong.

Montenegro has made notable results in European integration, and the UNODC’s support to Montenegro is important for EU accession talks, the meeting between Mr Lukšić and Mr Fedotov concluded. DPM Lukšić has commended the UNODC’s active role in regional processes in South-Eastern Europe. He emphasised that the support that will be made available through the new three-year South-Eastern Europe Programme 2016-2019, which includes fight against money laundering, human trafficking, corruption, etc., will be very important for Montenegro’s European integration, especially in the areas covered by chapters 23 and 24. Mr Lukšić voiced Montenegro’s readiness to get involved even more with the forthcoming programme. Mr Fedotov commended the implementation of UNODC projects in Montenegro and noted that the experience from Montenegro can be taken to other regions in the form of best practices.

The meeting between Mr Lukšić and Mr Li emphasised the importance of cooperation with UNIDO, as the first UN organisation in which Montenegro was admitted as a full-fledged member after restoring independence, and which has so far financed some 20 projects in Montenegro worth USD 3 million. Mr Lukšić voiced his satisfaction with the comprehensive cooperation in the areas of economy, tourism, sustainable development, science, etc. In that sense, the importance was underlined of agreeing on a new development framework for cooperation with the UN (UNDAF), with the expectation that this framework will consider the needs in all relevant areas in Montenegro and contribute to inclusive and sustainable industrial development in Montenegro by making the most of available resources, which is one of UNIDO’s key priorities.

During the meeting with Mr Amano, both sides voiced satisfaction with the long-standing cooperation between Montenegro and the IAEA, which is pursued through national and regional technical assistance projects. DPM Lukšić voiced gratitude for IAEA’s continued support to Montenegro in the process of strengthening capacities in the area of nuclear safety and security and aligning its legislation with IAEA standards.


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