Accession Negotiations

  • College for Negotiations - College for Negotiations is a Government working body, which discusses draft negotiating positions and, following the procedure by the competent working body of the Parliament of Montenegro, submits the positions to the Government for adoption.The College consists of the Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Ministers, and Chief Negotiator. Other ministers can… Read more
  • Rule of Law Council - Reform activities in the rule of law area represent the core of Montenegro's negotiation process with the European Union. In other words, the pace of negotiations in all other chapters of the EU Acquis depends on dynamics of implementation of activities within the Chapter 23 - Judiciary and Fundamental Rights… Read more
  • Secretariat of the Negotiating Group - Secretariat of the Negotiating Group is in charge of coordinating tasks related to the accession negotiations, preparation of the analytical overview of alignment of Montenegrin legislation with the EU acquis, drafting reports during negotiations, technical preparation of the working groups' activities for negotiation on individual chapters, technical preparation of the… Read more
  • Negotiating Group - The Negotiating Group is in charge of the expert-and technical level cooperation with the institutions of the EU and Member States in all chapters of the acquis.The Negotiating Group considers and adopts the proposals of negotiating positions and is accountable for its work to the Head of the State Delegation… Read more
  • State Delegation of Montenegro for Negotiations on Accession of Montenegro to the European Union - State delegation holds direct political talks and negotiations with the Member States and EU institutions and is responsible for ensuring the smooth course of negotiations on all chapters of the EU acquis. The State Delegation is accountable to the Government and it acts in accordance with the negotiation guidelines adopted… Read more