Naslovnica Info EN Press info EN Mediterranean Programme info day

Mediterranean Programme info day

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration held an info day at the EU Info Centre to mark the issuing of the 1st Call for Proposals within the Mediterranean Transnational Cooperation Programme (MED Interreg 2014-2020).

The event presented the results within the MED 2007-2013 programme in Montenegro, the new Interreg MED programme 2014-2020, as well as the 1st Call within the programme.

In her introductory address, Ivana Glišević-Đurović, Director for cross-border cooperation programmes at the MFAEI, presented the hitherto results in cross-border and transnational cooperation programme with a special emphasis on MED 2007-2013. She informed the participants with the programming process and announced the new Interreg MED 2014-2020 programme and the 1st Call within this new programme. She underlined that on 2 June 2015 the final version of the
Interreg MED programme document was approved, with participation of 13 countries (10 EU + 3 IPA) and encompasses four priority areas: Innovation, low carbon economy, natural and cultural resources, and the shared Mediterranean Sea.

On behalf of the Joint Technical Secretariat of the MED programme, Kirill Dimanopoulos presented the result of the 2007-2013 capitalisation process in brief, and Predrag Radulović gave an overview of Montenegrin institutions’ and organisations’ participation as partners in MED projects between 2007 and 2013. He mentioned 11 institutions from Montenegro (state authorities, municipalities, non-governmental organizations and civil society, and a faculty) who participated in 11 successfully completed projects worth 952.008,45 EUR nationally, whereas the overall value of these projects trans-nationally was 29.282.986,02 EUR.

Mr Dimanopoulos presented the new Interreg MED programme and the 1st Call for Proposals. The overall budget for EU countries is 264.9 million EUR (ERDF), whereas the funds for three IPA countries will be 11 million EUR.

The new Interreg MED programme’s innovative approach will support three types of projects: modular, horizontal (within the first three priority programmes) and “platform” projects for the fourth priority. The 1st Call will be launched on 1 September 2015 and will be to modular projects, whereas on 10 November a call for horizontal projects will be launched. The call for modular projects will close on 2 November 2015, and for horizontal projects on 1 January 2016.


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